
Full Spring Conditions

I'm stuck in Shanghai and have to settle for pulling down in the gyms here. This Easter weekend should see a few hundred climbers descend on Yangshuo from all over China as well as a big group from Hong Kong. Unfortunately, the weather forecasts call for rain! Spoke with Tyson this morning, he and Chris Sharma were heading to Riverside today. White Mountain, Lie Pi Shan and Chicken Cave have all seen a lot of traffic recently as those are some of the best wet weather crags with hard routes. I plan on climbing in Yanghsuo again late April and early May, just like last year, as the weather is usually more stable then.

I'll let you know when I get updates from any new bolting that Sharma puts up for us. Everything seems to be in place so maybe we'll see something next week. Happy Easter and keep pulling down.

Photo shows Ah Bon getting ready to pull the roof on First Contact at Space Buttress. Gives you an idea of just how big it is.
